what is this condition
Revision spine surgery is surgery performed in certain patients to correct the problems of a previous spine surgery or multiple surgeries.
what causes this condition
Revision surgery is indicated in patients with chronic pain and unresolved or increased complaint. Other factors indicated for revision spine surgery include: Failed back syndrome or failed back surgery.
how it may feel if I have this condition
Revision spine surgery is mandated due to variable levels of patient complaint and dissatisfaction with the first surgery. The condition encompasses a broad variety of causes and spine pathology. In general, there is persistent or event increased back pain/ complaint following the primary surgical intervention.
what is the treatment
The goal of revision spine surgery is to reduce pain and resume normal activities. The revision spine surgery is performed in certain conditions such as re-herniation of a disc, Revision spine surgery can be performed using minimally invasive technique where surgery is done by making small incisions. This method causes less damage to muscles and conjunctive tissue surrounding the spine.
At ECC procedures intended to repair previous interventions include laminotomy, foraminotomy, facet thermal ablation, spinal fusion, and microdisectomy. Rehabilitation after revision surgery includes exercises to harden the weakened muscles in the affected areas.