what is this condition
Vertebral compression fractures are collapses in the spine caused by osteoporosis, trauma/injury, and diseases that affect bone strength. .
what causes this condition
Trauma or injuries causing a vertebral compression fracture typically occur as a result of fall from height in which a hard vertical impact occurs on the spine, or during a road traffic accident. Osteoporosis, cancer and bone diseases are medical conditions that weaken the spine and render them more vulnerable to a compression fractures.
how it may feel if I have this condition
Often the vertebrae of lower back are the most affected and the complaint is local back pain that may radiate to nearby areas such as the hip, abdomen or thigh. Numbness, tingling, and weakness may also be present. The condition also occurs in the mid, upper back or neck and causing similar symptoms depending on the affected area of the spine and extent of compression injury and its effect on spinal mobility and stability.
what is the treatment
Sometimes vertebral compression fractures do not heal with conservative treatments that include total bed rest, medication and immobilization. Surgical treatment in the form of spinal fusion may also be necessary for some compression fractures to prevent deterioration and irreversible nerve damage.
At ECC, many cases of vertebral compression fractures are treated with minimally invasive vertebral augmentation performed under local ane saka vertebroplasty. These procedures use bone cement to fill and strengthen the affected spine. The procedure potentially eliminates pain associated with the compression fracture and restores spine function and mobility.